Mittwoch, 24. Juni 2015


-Die Jungs bringen ein neues Parfüm raus Between us:
-Die Jungs für das Parfüm Between us:
-Harry mit Fans (24.06.15):

6/24-Die Jungs mit Fans bei der Launchparty für das Parfüm Between us (24.06.15):
lookmagazine: And lovely to meet you too @harrystyles #whatagent @onedirection #1DFragrance #LOOKmeets1Dlydia_connell: Hey @harrystyles! ✌
speddingemma: Shirt-off with Mr Harry Styles (😱😱) #onedirection #HarryStyles #afternoonteawith1Dwtf #1Dfragrancecharmianloves: Oh yes… I just met #harrystyles #1dfragrance #1directionsugarscaper: Payno you babe #1Dfragrancesugarscaper: Pretty sure we could be brother and sister no? Yeah sorry we’ll shut up. #1Dfragrancesugarscaper: Can we be this close to Louis forever thanks #1Dfragrancesugarscaper: ‘I love Sugarscape’ - the exact words Harry said after this photo was taken, obvs. #1Dfragrancelucyparts: And just to complete the set 👯
lucyparts: Hey Liam #1dfragrancelucyparts: WEDDING PHOTO #1dfragrancelucyparts: He clearly wanted this selfie to happen. #1dfragrance-Die Jungs bei der Launch Party für das Parfüm Between us:
cosmopolitanuk: Here’s Liam being all authoritative 😍 #1dfragrance
sugarscaper: The classic Louis face, no? #1Dfragrance
sugarscaper: Can we take that eyebrow home please #1Dfragrancecosmopolitanuk: This is happening #1dfragrancesugarscaper: He’s thinking ok #1Dfragrancesugarscaper: HARRY SAYS HI #1Dfragrance 1Dfragrance

-Zayn bei Valentino Spring/Summer 2016 UOMO Paris Fashion Show in Paris (24.06.15):
Zayn at the Valentino Spring/Summer 2016 UOMO Paris Fashion Show - 24/6

Zayn at the Valentino Spring/Summer 2016 UOMO Paris Fashion Show - 24/6

Zayn Malik and Joe Jonas at the Valentino Spring/Summer 2016 UOMO Paris Fashion Show - 24/6

Zayn Malik and Joe Jonas at the Valentino Spring/Summer 2016 UOMO Paris Fashion Show - 24/6

Zayn at the Valentino Spring/Summer 2016 UOMO Paris Fashion Show - 24/6

-Zayn beim Verlassen des George V Hotels in Paris (24.06.15):
Zayn leaving the George V Hotel in Paris - 24/6

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